National node - japan

Photo credit: Nicki Eliza Schinow / Unsplash

Table of Contents

Introducing ECOP Japan

ECOP Japan とは

Photo: CanvaPro

Welcome to the National Node page for the Japanese network of the ECOP Programme.  Surrounded by the ocean from all sides and home to a diverse marine environment from the North to South, Japan has built its history alongside the ocean, with various stakeholders living in harmony with it over the generations. 

ECOP Japan is a network of Early Career Ocean Professionals (ECOPs) in Japan, who are actively involved in various ocean sectors (research, education, government, industry, NPO/NGO, etc.). We introduce a wide range of ECOP activities across disciplines, provide useful information and opportunities (events, employment, grants, etc.) to address issues that face ECOPS, and identify ECOPs who will support the future of the ocean sectors. Through these activities, ECOP Japan will contribute to the seven outcomes of the UN Decade of Ocean Science.


ECOP Japanは、海洋に関わる様々な分野(研究、教育、行政、産業、NPO/NGOなど)で活躍する、日本の海洋若手専門家(ECOP)のネットワークです。分野の垣根を超えて日本のECOPの活動を幅広く紹介するとともに、日本のECOPが抱える課題に役立つ情報や機会(イベント、就職、助成など)を提供し、海洋分野の未来を支える日本のECOPの発掘を行います。こうした活動を通して、国連海洋科学の10年が目指す7つの海の成果に、ECOP Japanは貢献していきます。

Meet the ECOP Japan Coordination Unit

ECOP Japan コーディネーター

Kotaro Tanaka

Kotaro Tanaka is an ECOP who aims to expand a transdisciplinary ECOP network in Japan and bridge it to networks in other nations/regions. He started his career as a marine bio-acoustician, and is currently working as a research fellow in Ocean Policy Research Insitute (OPRI) of the Sasakawa Peace Foundation to promote the digital transformation of the ocean in a way that maintain a respectful relationships with society.


Yushi Morioka

Yushi Morioka is one of the ECOP Japan coordinators, helping to build the ECOP network in Japan and promote ECOP activities throughout Asia. 

He is a passionate oceanographer at JAMSTEC, where he studies a role of the ocean in climate.  He is also actively involved in outreach activities to share the fun of ocean science with young people.

森岡優志はECOP Japan コーディネーターの一人で、日本におけるECOPネットワークの構築とECOPの活動をアジアに普及させることを支援しています。海洋研究開発機構(JAMSTEC)では、気候における海洋の役割を研究する熱心な海洋学者。海洋科学の楽しさを若者たちに伝えるアウトリーチ活動にも積極的に取り組んでいます。

ECOP Japan Survey Report

The ECOP Japan report on the Japan National survey was officially released on 1 April 2024, and was given a special preview during the second ECOP Japan Symposium, which was organized by the Ocean Policy Research Institute (OPRI) of the Sasakawa Peace Foundation in Tokyo, Japan.  You can read the report in both English and Japanese.

Learn more about ECOP Japan

ECOP Japan についてもっと知りたい

Japan Video letters

ECOP Japan ビデオレター

Japan Video Letters is a series of interviews with Japan’s Early Career Ocean  Professionals, across many sectors from Academia, to conservation, to fisheries.  Meet the ECOPs who are the next generation of Ocean Leaders in Japan and learn about their unique perspectives regarding the UN Ocean Decade.

Meet Aoi Sugimoto, Japan Fisheries Research and Education Agency (FRA)

ECOP Japan: 杉本あおいさん

Meet Yota Takakura, Innoqua Inc.

ECOP Japan: 高倉葉太さん

Meet Yoshiko Kondo, Nagasaki University

ECOP Japan: 近藤能子さん​​

Meet Kazura Koda, Mitsui O.S.K.Lines (MOL)

ECOP Japan: 香田和良さん

Meet Tatsuya Sato, Freelance curator, underwater photographer, and fisherman.

ECOP Japan: 佐藤達也さん

Meet Yukino Kinjo, Ethical Entrepreneur, founder of Project MANATII and Reef safe sunscreen

ECOP Japan: 金城 由希乃さん

Meet Yusuke Tanaka, Ocean Eyes Co., Ltd,

ECOP Japan: 田中祐介さん

The "UN Ocean Decade ECOP Japan Symposium" 2024

On March 7th, 2024, the second ECOP Japan Symposium was organized by the Ocean Policy Research Institute (OPRI) of the Sasakawa Peace Foundation in Tokyo, Japan.

This event aimed to expand the network of ECOPs across diverse fields, sectors, and areas within Japan. Ten ECOPs, ranging from scientists to lifesavers and fishers, shared their activities, discussed future directions, and collaborated on the ECOP Japan poster, portraying their vision for the ocean in alignment with the 7 Outcomes of the Ocean Decade. The symposium took place in a hybrid format with simultaneous interpretation, attracting around 300 participants from both within and outside of Japan. A recording of the event in English is available on YouTube

The event report is available in both 🇬🇧 English and 🇯🇵 Japanese.

Photos: The Sasakawa Peace Foundation

As an output of the symposium, and inspired by similar efforts from the ECOP Canada team, the ECOP Japan node co-designed a poster that provides a graphical summary of actions that can be taken for each of the seven Ocean Decade outcomes, from the viewpoint of ECOPs (only available in Japanese; the English version is in preparation). The message at the center (”海でつながろう”) says “Let’s connect by the ocean”, meaning the connection between people and ocean, and the connection among ECOPs across fields, sectors, and areas (which is the philosophy of ECOP Japan and ECOP Japan symposium). The donut-shaped illustration visually indicates such connections among different factors relating to the ocean.

ECOP Japan Symposium 2022: "Toward creating ECOP network in UN Decade of Ocean Science"

This symposium was held on January 18th, 2022 and aimed at initiating discussions and sparking momentum toward the development of an ECOP network in Japan (a country with a National Decade Committee).
As such, this event is relevant to ECOPs based in Japan as well as Japanese nationals residing abroad. The organizers hope to create new relationships and to encourage ECOPs in Japan to connect and share their expertise and experience with one another, in an effort to strengthen this national network during the Ocean Decade. They invited several speakers (both ECOPs and non-ECOPs) from various disciplines to reflect on the expectations and challenges of developing and strengthening such an ECOP-specific network in Japan.
Photo courtesy of the Sasakawa Peace Foundation.
The symposium video is available on the Sasakawa Peace Foundation’s YouTube channel, at the following link in English and Japanese.

A report on the Symposium

Prepared by Prepared by Kotaro Tanaka, Research Fellow
at the Ocean Policy Research Institute of The Sasakawa Peace Foundation 
is available here. 

開催報告はこちらから御覧いただけます(笹川平和財団海洋政策研究所 田中広太郎研究員作成)



Discover Japan's National Decade Committee

国連海洋科学の10年 日本国内委員会

Japan’s National Decade Committee has a brand new website in English and Japanese

Join the ECOP Japan Community and contribute

ECOP Japan コミュニティに参加する​

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