national NODE -
Photo credit: Gbenga Onalaja/Unsplash
Introducing ECOP Niger
Welcome to the National Node page for the Niger network of the ECOP Program.
At ECOP Niger, we are proud to establish a thriving community of Early Career Ocean Professionals dedicated to exploring and understanding the vital connections between landlocked nations like ours and the world’s oceans. Despite being a landlocked country, our role in ocean management and study is more significant than one might initially perceive.
Landlocked nations are not isolated from the global oceans; instead, they are intricately linked through various channels that extend beyond their geographical boundaries. Through our commitment to ocean-related research, education, and collaboration, ECOP Niger sheds light on the crucial interdependence between landlocked regions and the oceans.
ECOP Niger Mission
Join us at ECOP Niger as we embark on a journey of exploration, collaboration, and positive change, united by our shared commitment to the oceans and the well-being of all. Together, we strive to make waves of impact that resonate far beyond the shores of our landlocked nation.
Our mission is to:
Foster Knowledge Exchange: We recognize that advancements in ocean science and management directly impact landlocked nations’ well-being. By fostering knowledge exchange and collaboration among our members and the wider global ocean community, we contribute to a deeper understanding of the oceans’ role in climate, ecosystems, and resources.
Advocate for Ocean Sustainability: Despite the absence of coastlines, our advocacy for ocean sustainability is unwavering. We champion responsible practices that safeguard the oceans’ health and resilience, understanding that the impacts of ocean degradation extend beyond coastal areas.
Explore Cross-Border Linkages: Landlocked regions are connected to oceans through rivers, lakes, and atmospheric systems. Our research delves into these interconnected systems, exploring how changes in oceanic conditions can influence freshwater resources, climate patterns, and livelihoods in our country.
Bridge the Knowledge Gap: We bridge the knowledge gap by promoting ocean literacy and education within our community and among policymakers. Our efforts contribute to informed decision-making that considers the broader implications of ocean-related policies.
Global Ocean Stewardship: By actively participating in international ocean dialogues and partnerships, we represent our landlocked perspective while collaborating on solutions that benefit both coastal and inland regions.
ECOP Niger is a testament to the fact that ocean management and study are not confined by geographical borders. Through our collective efforts, we recognize the indispensable role those landlocked nations play in shaping a sustainable and interconnected future for our oceans and our planet.
ECOP Niger Coordination Unit
Connecting Landlocked to the Boundless Ocean Realm

Almoustapha Amadou Malam Lacho
Almoustapha is the main coordinator of ECOP Niger. His aim is to expand the ECOP Programme’s trans-disciplinary network in Niger and link it up with networks in other countries. He is currently following a Masters research program in climate change and marine sciences at the Atlantic Technical University, Cabo Verde within the framework of WASCAL (West African Scientific Service Center on Climate Change and Adapted Land Use). His research focuses on ocean-atmosphere interactions and regional climate modeling.

Aboubacar Ousmane
Aboubacar is secretary general of the ECOP-Niger office, with a degree in Environmental Impact Assessment from the University of Diffa/Niger, and a Masters in Environmental and Social Impact Assessment from the University Boubacar Bâ of Tillaberi/Niger. His role is to ensure the smooth running of the organization by planning and organizing board meetings, general assemblies and report writing.

Samira Moussa Idrissa
Samira is the project manager of ECOP Niger. She has a master’s degree in climate change and marine sciences from the Atlantic Technical University, Cabo Verde within the framework of WASCAL (West African Scientific Service Center on Climate Change and Adapted Land Use). Her mission is to design a relevant pedagogical program and prepare the development of projects in line with the organization’s strategic objectives and orientations.

Moussa Ali Abdou
Moussa is a specialist in climate change and information technology and vice-president of ECOP Niger’s project design and management committee. His mission is to assist the president of ECOP Niger’s project set-up and management committee in setting up and managing projects.
Goals, Objectives and Action Plan
The following, proposed Action plan will be clearly defined based on the requirements and will be implemented throughout the year:
- Identify local partners in Niger that can help support the ECOP network, such as universities, research institutions, NGOs, and government agencies. Establish relationships with these partners and collaborate on planning and implementation of the ECOP network.
- Encourage participation from experienced professionals to serve as mentors and provide guidance to ECOPs. Develop a capacity building plan that includes training programs, workshops, and webinars to support ECOPs in Niger.
- Establish virtual and in-person networking opportunities including online forums, regional meetings, and conferences. Facilitate collaboration and knowledge exchange between ECOPs and other stakeholders in the ocean and water resource management community, such as policymakers, industry leaders, and scientists. Develop educational materials, such as infographics and videos, to raise awareness about the importance of the ocean and its impact on climate. Organize outreach campaigns and public awareness events to educate the public about water resource sustainability.
- Advocate for policies and programs that promote water resource sustainability, engaging with local and national governments, as well as international organizations.
- Develop a fundraising plan that identifies potential sources of funding.
See below for the specific ECOP Niger activities:
1. ECOP Niger WhatsApp Group
On March 7th, 2023, a group was created with the aim of establishing the Niger National ECOP Node. The group’s link was distributed to various WhatsApp groups of students and alumni, accompanied by a brief introduction of ECOPs and its goals and the regional ECOP Node’s link. Due to the language barrier, only a few people expressed interest, prompting the contacting of many individuals to provide more information. This approach proved successful, and numerous individuals joined the group. Recruitment efforts are still ongoing, with the goal of attracting as many participants as possible.
2. ECOP Recruitment Plan
To initiate the recruitment process, information about ECOP was shared with various WhatsApp groups consisting of students and professionals. Additionally, recruitment efforts are being planned through:
- Social Media
- Meeting and calling a person who may be of interest
- Meeting some institutions
- Visiting schools
- Increasing ECOP presence on university campuses
3. ECOP Capacity Development Plan
Develop virtual training programs on water management and sustainable development for ECOPs in Niger. This can include topics such as water resource governance, water resource monitoring wetland conservation, sustainable fisheries and aquaculture, climate change and sustainable development, ocean-atmosphere interaction.
Organize workshops and seminars in collaboration with local universities and research institutions to provide hands-on training on water-related topics.
Encourage ECOPs from Niger to participate in regional or international conferences related to water resource sustainability.
4. Media/Communication Plan
- Creation of website and social network pages Facebook/Twitter /Instagram
- Media releases (conferences, opening day)
- Educational materials, such as infographics and videos
- Visiting institutions (academic, public, private, and all stakeholders)
5. Ocean Literacy/Outreach Plan
Develop educational materials, such as infographics and videos, to raise awareness about the importance of the ocean and its impact on landlocked countries such as Niger.
Collaborate with local NGOs and community organizations to organize awareness campaigns on wetland conservation and sustainability.
Encourage ECOPs in Niger to become ambassadors for water resource sustainability and share their knowledge and experiences with their communities.
6. Fund-raising Plan
Seek partnerships with national and international organizations (NGOs) that are committed to promoting ocean and water resource sustainability, such as the UN Ocean Decade, ECOP Regional Node.
Develop funding campaigns to raise funds for specific projects or initiatives, such as organizing workshops or training programs.
Collaborate with local government, businesses and corporations to sponsor events and initiatives that promote ocean and water resource sustainability.
ECOP Niger is proud to introduce the rest of the coordination unit and committee
- Vice: Harouna Mahaman
- Communication Committee: Sabiou Sani Issaka
- Vice : Abdoul Aziz Sanoussi Abdou
- Monitoring and Evaluation Committee: Abdoul Fatah Djafarou Hassan
- Vice: Oumar Liman Tatagana
- Organization Committee: Djafar Oumar Djibo
- Vice: Hamissou Saminou Harouna
- Financial Accounts Committee: Saliffou Soumaila Oubamdawaki
- Vice: Mahaman Hamissou Sanoussi Kailou