Photo credit: Jas-min / Unsplash

Vision and mission

Plastic pollution is widespread, and its consequences are of concern. As a major source of plastic litter in the ocean is produced inland and transported via inland waterways, various clean-up technologies have been created to remove debris and prevent its flux to the sea.

The primary aim of these innovative and important technologies is to collect plastic efficiently. However, some organisms and organic materials might be caught together with the debris. 


This is a PhD project funded by the Research Foundation-Flanders (FWO, 1S13522N/1S13524N) and it is a collaboration between Flanders Marine Institute (VLIZ), University of Gent and Research Institute for Nature and Forest (INBO).

Goals and objectives

Currently, there is a lack of clear guidelines for these technologies, and an objective tool to quantify and assess the potential bycatch is missing. To assist policymakers, environmental managers, and companies involved in plastic removal this project aims to develop a tool for clean-up mechanism and location selection based on environmental parameters to efficiently collect plastic with the least unwanted impact on the environment.

The primary aim of these innovative and important technologies is to collect plastic efficiently. However, some organisms and organic materials might be caught together with the debris. 

This is a PhD project funded by the Research Foundation-Flanders (FWO, 1S13522N/1S13524N) and it is a collaboration between Flanders Marine Institute (VLIZ), University of Gent and Research Institute for Nature and Forest (INBO).

Have a look at the project publications

Cleaning Up without Messing Up: Maximizing the Benefits of Plastic Clean-Up Technologies through New Regulatory Approaches

A comprehensive assessment of plastic remediation technologies

Integrating Bayesian Belief Networks in a toolbox for decision support on plastic clean-up technologies in rivers and estuaries



  • Micro 2024, Lanzarote, Spain, Oral presentation: Experimental Assessment of Biota Removal during Plastic Collection by Plastic Clean-up Mechanisms
  • SETAC Europe 34nd Annual Meeting, Sevilla, Spain Oral presentation: Experimental Assessment of Plastic and Biota Removal by Plastic Cleanup Mechanisms 
  • SETAC Europe 33nd Annual Meeting, Dublin, Ireland Oral presentation: Assessing Characteristics, Uses, and Potential Environmental Impact of Plastic Remediation Technologies
  • Micro2022, Virtual Conference Oral presentation: Challenges, Prospects, And Opportunities For Plastic Remediation Technologies
  • Webinar Cleaning Up Without Messing Up Session 2: The Need for a Regulatory Framework for Implementation of Cleanup Technologies: Cleaning Up Without Messing Up Session 2: The Need for a Regulatory Framework for Implementation of Cleanup Technologies | The Nicholas Institute for Energy, Environment & Sustainability (duke.edu)
  • Microplastic Workshop, Athens, Greece Poster presentation: Bayesian Belief Network Models To Support Stakeholders In Their Decision-Making Process For Plastic Clean-Up Technologies
  • EGU General Assembly, Hybrid, online participation Oral presentation: Assisting Stakeholders In Their Choice Of Riverine And Estuarine Plastic Clean-Up Technologies With The Aid Of Bayesian Belief Networks
  • SETAC Europe 32nd Annual Meeting, Copenhagen, Denmark Poster presentation: Bayesian Belief Networks As a Toolbox for the Creation of a Decision Support Framework for Plastic Clean-Up Technology Selection in Rivers and Estuaries


For any questions or enquiries, please contact:  

Giulia Leone

Email: giulia.leone@vliz.be, giulia.leone@ugent.be

LinkedIn: @Leone_G93

X (Twitter): linkedin.com/in/giulialeone

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