Interview with Aaron Eger, the 2023 Winner of the Mário Ruivo Memorial Lecture

Aaron Eger was the successful candidate invited to present the inaugural Mário Ruivo Memorial Lecture in 2023, an initiative led jointly by UNESCO’s Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC/UNESCO), EurOcean Foundation, and Portugal.

On 22 June 2023, Aaron introduced his groundbreaking project “The Kelp Forest Alliance” to 150 Member States, during the 32nd Session of the IOC/UNESCO Assembly in Paris as part of Ocean Science Day.

Kelp forests cover a third of the world’s coastlines and support hundreds of millions of people, but they are disappearing. “The Kelp Forest Alliance” is rising to the challenge to protect and restore 4 million hectares of kelp forests around the world by 2040, and support the biodiversity goals of the Kunming-Montreal agreement. 

As the deadline for applications for the second edition of the Mário Ruivo Memorial Lecture approaches (2 February 2025), we spoke to Aaron about his opportunity to present at this prestigious event, which gave him a platform to amplify his work and increase awareness of the urgent need to protect and restore kelp forests.


1. Hi Aaron, thanks for joining us! Can you tell us about where you grew up, where you live now (if it’s different), and what your experience taught you about the ocean—how has it shaped your career path?

I grew up on a small farm on the West Coast of Canada, along the coastal mountains, where the seascapes are incredibly rugged. Large dramatic cliffs and vast forests stretch right down to the water’s edge. Historically, the area was rich in timber and fisheries, but as those resources were depleted, it shifted to a more professional, retail-based economy. Despite that, the Sunshine Coast remains an area of remarkable natural beauty, with some of my absolute favorite dive sites in the world.

It’s hard to pinpoint precisely how an environment shapes you, but we’re nothing if not products of our surroundings. I spent every year down by the ocean, exploring its chilly waters and the incredible wildlife the British Columbia coast has to offer. That formative experience certainly influenced my career path, as it gave me a deep appreciation for the ocean and its ecosystems.

Photo from Aaron’s website:

2. Why Kelp?!

Kelp forests occupy a unique intersection in conservation and ecosystem management. On one hand, they are incredibly widespread—occurring along one-third of the world’s coastlines, adjacent to over 750 million people, and supporting economies, cultures, and livelihoods. On the other hand, they are underrepresented in international and national policy, and many people in the general public don’t even know what a kelp forest is. So here we have an ecosystem that is disproportionately important relative to its support. When I was deciding how I wanted to make a difference in marine conservation, working with kelp forests felt like a natural choice. Not only are they meaningful on a global scale, but they’re also close to home: kelp forests cover much of the Canadian coastline.


3. What are some of the challenges/barriers you’ve encountered as an Early Career Professional, and what advice would you pass on to our ECOP global community members?

The challenges I’ve faced as an early career researcher are pretty typical for this stage: figuring out what research you want to be involved in, deciding what you want to be known for, and finding your place. My advice is to continually ask yourself why you’re doing what you’re doing. Is it achieving what you want it to achieve? If not, consider how you can change your approach to make that happen.

Another barrier that many early career professionals face is connectivity. When you’re just starting out, you haven’t yet built the relationships or integrated yourself into the professional societies and networks that enable more impactful, meaningful research.


4. Can you tell us why you applied to the Mário Ruivo Memorial Lecture?

That challenge—of building connectivity—was the main reason I applied to the Mário Ruivo Memorial Lecture. I wanted to showcase our work and to celebrate kelp forest conservation on an international stage, introducing it to policymakers and researchers who might not otherwise be aware of its importance.


5. How was the experience for you? In the recording, you come across as very eloquent and relaxed—were you nervous at all

The experience was truly wonderful. The organizing team made it so easy to be involved in the lecture and to prepare for being welcomed in Paris, meeting different people, and connecting with dignitaries. It was surreal—when you talk about attending these events, it feels so far off, but doing it in person was a major milestone in my career.

On the one hand, I was definitely nervous—this was one of the largest presentations I’ve ever given. However, I’ve learned to calm those nerves by recognizing that the audience is there because they’re interested in your work, and they want you to succeed. If you embrace that mindset, you’ll have more fun, connect better with the audience, and make a more lasting impression. Ultimately, we can only do our best and hope that our message resonates with people in a way that inspires them to act or think differently.


6. It was a great platform to share the plight of kelp forests. Have there been any ripple effects from this opportunity?

Yes, the recognition from the award has opened many doors. It’s been really helpful when applying for grants, funding opportunities, and positions—especially as someone in the early stages of a career. I also hope the presentation left a lasting impact on those who attended, and I believe we’ll see many positive ripple effects in the future.


7. What do you envision for the future of kelp forests, and how are you contributing through your work?

Like many other marine ecosystems, kelp forests face significant threats from climate change and are diminishing in many regions of the world. However, unlike some ecosystems, kelp has relatively quick generation times and a high degree of adaptability and plasticity, so I remain hopeful. I genuinely believe we can meet the goals of the Kelp Forest Challenge—to restore one million hectares of kelp forests and protect three million hectares by 2040.

Now that we’ve set these targets, we’re working with governments to develop collaborative, integrative solutions to scale up kelp conservation at national levels. The aim is to encourage countries to recognize the potential that kelp forests have for sustaining blue economies, local communities, and biodiversity.


8. How can people learn more about and support your work?

The best place to learn about our work is through There, you can find out everything we’ve been up to, access resources, join our online community, and stay updated on the status of kelp forest conservation. You can also send an email if you’d like to connect—I’m always happy to chat about kelp. I look forward to continuing this work together to protect and restore kelp forests for the future.


Many thanks go to Aaron for taking part in this interview.

Do you feel inspired to apply for the second edition of the Mário Ruivo Memorial Lecture? Applications are open until 2 February 2025. Visit: to learn more and submit your application.

Watch Aaron’s lecture (which starts at 4 hours 5 minutes) in the livestream recording below.

📸 Main photo from UNSW Sydney: Centre for Ideas


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