Meet our Early Career Ocean Professionals: Nuno Mussa Manuel Ussene Escamade (Challenge 9)
Nuno Mussá Escamade is a Master’s student in Marine Sciences in Brazil (originally from Mozambique), specialising in Marine Biology. As an advocate for marine conservation, he is actively engaged in advancing the objectives outlined in the Ocean Decade Challenge 9. His primary focus lies in the realms of education, preservation, and comprehension of marine ecosystems and resources, with particular emphasis on the context of Mozambique.

1. Hi Nuno, can you tell us how are you working towards Ocean Decade Challenge 9: Skills, knowledge and technology for all?
I seek to illuminate the anthropogenic impacts on diverse marine ecosystems and resources (through rigorous research efforts). My involvement in various marine conservation initiatives and strategies, including affiliations with organizations such as African Parks, the Bazaruto Archipelago National Park, and the Administration of Conservation Areas, underscores my commitment to the cause.
I have spearheaded the development of digital platforms such as the website and the YouTube channel “MozOcean,” designed to disseminate knowledge and foster discourse on marine conservation issues. These endeavors, along with my research pursuits, serve to advocate for sustainable marine resource management and to champion the safeguarding of coral reef ecosystems, both within Mozambique and on a broader global scale.
2. Why do you think it is important to work towards the Ocean Decade and its challenges?
3. What was the Ocean’s influence on you growing up, and what’s has changed for you since you’ve been working towards this Challenge?
As I matured, the ocean had a profound influence on my perspective and dedication to marine conservation. It served as a source of fascination and admiration, instilling within me an appreciation for both its beauty and biodiversity. During my formative years, my community relied heavily on fishing as its primary livelihood, largely unaware of the pressures exerted on marine resources and the associated human needs. My focus gravitated towards devising solutions for the sustainable management of marine resources. Notably, approximately 66% of Mozambique’s population resides in coastal regions, dependent upon marine resources as their principal source of income. However, since undertaking my studies, my relationship with the ocean has transcended towards active advocacy and protection. From the perils of climate change and pollution to the pernicious effects of overfishing and habitat degradation, a heightened awareness has galvanized my resolve to contribute substantively to marine conservation initiatives. This commitment has impelled me to undertake tangible measures aimed at safeguarding our oceans, epitomized by the establishment of Mozambique’s inaugural marine platform:

4. What is unique about your perspective/motivation (culturally, geographically, personal connection etc)?
5. Tell us about some of your recent achievements/highlights/success or alternatively what are you struggling with, or what challenges/barriers are you facing?
The successful pre-defense of my thesis in marine sciences stands out. This achievement not only affirmed my expertise in the field but also will pave the way for further exploration and contributions to the area of marine conservation, including applying for doctoral programs. Additionally, I had the privilege of being selected as the keynote speaker at an international conference held by FURG on climate change and sustainability. This opportunity allowed me to share my insights and research findings with esteemed colleagues and peers from various parts of the world. As a unique way to contribute, I created the Mozocean channel on YouTube and the website as platforms dedicated to disseminating information about marine conservation. These initiatives aim to increase awareness about marine ecosystems, environmental issues, and sustainable practices, as well as to inspire and engage in ocean preservation efforts. The YouTube channel offers a dynamic visual approach, while the website provides educational content, informative resources, and conservation initiatives. These platforms represent a valuable contribution to raising awareness and mobilizing support for marine conservation, both in Mozambique and globally. However, it is important to acknowledge the persistent challenges that accompany these successes. Securing funding for research projects, equipment acquisition, participation, and organization of seminars remains an ongoing endeavor, given the competitive landscape and limited resources available in the field of marine sciences. Overcoming this obstacle requires resilience, innovative thinking, and strategic resource allocation to explore alternative avenues of financial support. Furthermore, I continue to grapple with the complexities inherent in implementing fisheries management strategies within MIMAIP governmental bodies and marine conservation efforts, including the multifaceted impacts of climate change, overexploitation of marine resources, and habitat degradation. Addressing these challenges demands interdisciplinary collaboration, innovative approaches, and sustained advocacy to promote tangible and lasting changes.

Watch the latest video on Moz Ocean about the “Training on Tropical Estuary Monitoring”, organized by the Partnership for Observation of the Global Ocean (POGO) in collaboration with the Federal University of Pará (UFPA).
6. How can people support you and your work?
Those interested in supporting my work and initiatives in marine conservation can do so by engaging with the content and resources provided on my website and social media channels. Individuals can access educational materials, informative content, and updates on conservation efforts, marine careers, and the challenges in marine management in Mozambique.
Additionally, sharing these resources with other individuals interested in marine conservation can help raise awareness and garner support for the cause.