ECOPs embrace the chance to participate at the Ocean Literacy World Conference in Venice

The very first Ocean Literacy World Conference was held on 7 -8 June 2024, hosted in the enchanting, unique and “aquatic” city of Venice. Dedicated to enhancing the recognition, understanding and awareness of the ocean’s critical role in our lives and the planet’s health; it brought together educators, scientists, policymakers, and ocean advocates from around …

ECOPs embrace the chance to participate at the Ocean Literacy World Conference in Venice Read More »

Asian ECOPs Make Waves at UN Ocean Decade and WESTPAC Marine Science Conferences in Bangkok (April 22-25, 2024)

Prepared by: Raphael Roman, Lin Wang, Yuntao Wang, Yushi Morioka, and Abe Woo One week after the UN Ocean Decade Conference convened the global Ocean Decade community In Barcelona from 10-12 April, 2024, the Government of Thailand hosted the 2nd UN Ocean Decade Regional Conference in conjunction with the 11th WESTPAC International Marine Science Conference …

Asian ECOPs Make Waves at UN Ocean Decade and WESTPAC Marine Science Conferences in Bangkok (April 22-25, 2024) Read More »

ECOP China successfully kicked off its first training webinar for skills development (this article is in English and Chinese)

The first training webinar of ECOP China (Early Career Ocean Professional Programme China Node), organized by the ECOP China training coordination team, was successfully held on May 29, 2024. Professor Yuan Shen, from the College of Ocean and Earth Sciences, Xiamen University, shared his experience on the topic of “How to give an impressive oral …

ECOP China successfully kicked off its first training webinar for skills development (this article is in English and Chinese) Read More »

Building Ocean Leadership: Fostering Networking, Creativity, and Resilience

This satellite event, co-organized by the Early Career Ocean Professionals (ECOP) Programme and Edinburgh Ocean Leaders (EOL) was designed to support, encourage and empower those navigating Ocean career paths from early to mid-career stages and looking to advance on a trajectory towards Ocean leadership.  The full list of co-organizing partners is as follows: International Ocean Institute …

Building Ocean Leadership: Fostering Networking, Creativity, and Resilience Read More »

Gathering forces for Science-policy nexus, Innovation, and Funding

Gathering forces for Science-policy nexus, Innovation, and Funding marked the fourth event that the ECOP Programme co-hosted during Ocean Decade Week 2024.  This official off-site satellite event was held on Tuesday 9 April at Barcelona Capital Nautica and was co-organized with partners: Deep-Ocean Stewardship Initiative (DOSI), Institute of Marine Engineering, Science and Technology (IMarEST), Nippon …

Gathering forces for Science-policy nexus, Innovation, and Funding Read More »

Capacity Development for the Ocean We Want: Exploring Science Communication and Solving Global Capacity Development Challenges

Ocean Decade Week for the ECOP Programme kicked off on Monday 8 April with our first off-site satellite event called: “Capacity Development for the Ocean We Want: Exploring Science Communication and Solving Global Capacity Development Challenges” This event was co-organised by the ECOP Programme, International Ocean Institute (IOI), Institute of Marine Engineering, Science and Technology …

Capacity Development for the Ocean We Want: Exploring Science Communication and Solving Global Capacity Development Challenges Read More »

ECOP Togo join the NF-POGO Regional Training Programme on Marine Pollution and Biogeochemistry in Coastal environments

During  12 –  25 November 2023 members of ECOP TOGO attended Regional Training Programme on Marine Pollution and biogeochemistry in coastal zones hosted by the LaMERE laboratory from the Department of Physics at University of Kara. Nippon Foundation (NF) and Partnership for Observation of the Global Ocean (POGO) presented this capacity development initiative, which consisted …

ECOP Togo join the NF-POGO Regional Training Programme on Marine Pollution and Biogeochemistry in Coastal environments Read More »

ECOP Africa participate in IOC-UNESCO’s Ocean Literacy Dialogues, Tanzania

The 4th edition of the Ocean Literacy Dialogues unfolded in Tanzania from November 4-5, 2023. It was co-hosted with the African Union and Regional Seas with African parties, in collaboration with UNESCO’s Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission and the IOC Sub-Commission for Africa (IOCAFRICA) as well as UNESCO’s Dar es Salaam Field Office. Sophia Laarissa, Ocean Literacy …

ECOP Africa participate in IOC-UNESCO’s Ocean Literacy Dialogues, Tanzania Read More »

An exciting announcement during DITTO Summit 2023 – ECOP China node is launched!

With the aim of promoting the development and application of digital twin ocean technologies, the DITTO Summit 2023 (International Digital Twins of the Ocean Summit) was held in Xiamen, China, on 9 – 12 November 2023, attracting 450 renowned experts, scholars and industry representatives from 19 countries and regions. During the Summit an Early Career Ocean Professional …

An exciting announcement during DITTO Summit 2023 – ECOP China node is launched! Read More »

MTS Early Career Ocean Professionals and IEEE OES Young Professionals are looking for your feedback on in person events

The OCEANS 2023 Gulf Coast conference took place 25-28 September at the Mississippi Coast Coliseum and Convention Centre.  As always, OCEANS hosted a joint MTS Early Career Ocean Professionals and IEEE OES Young Professionals Networking Breakfast, this time including a special Listening Session.  It was a fantastic turn out with 80 attendees – despite being a …

MTS Early Career Ocean Professionals and IEEE OES Young Professionals are looking for your feedback on in person events Read More »

Connecting and Engaging ECOPs with the North Pacific Science Community at the 2023 Annual PICES Meeting

The 2023 PICES conference (“Connecting Science and Communities for Sustainable Seas”) took place in Seattle on 23-27 October 2023, and was designed to focus on developing and strengthening PICES diverse partnerships, whilst building on existing joint activities and promoting cross-fertilization. It was an opportunity to increase engagement with Early Career Ocean Professionals, Small Island Developing …

Connecting and Engaging ECOPs with the North Pacific Science Community at the 2023 Annual PICES Meeting Read More »

Nurturing Ocean Stewards: WAMSS ECOP Africa Side Event and the Dynamic Panel Showcase the Power of Emerging Ocean Leaders.

The ECOP Africa Side Event at this year’s inaugural West African Marine Science Symposium (WAMSS) in Ghana unfolded an engaging gathering, centered around a dynamic discussion on the opportunities spanning the vast ocean science field in Africa. The event showcased a panel of experts, each representing a distinct facet of ocean science and marine environment …

Nurturing Ocean Stewards: WAMSS ECOP Africa Side Event and the Dynamic Panel Showcase the Power of Emerging Ocean Leaders. Read More »

Ocean Literacy school: collaboration for solutions with Melany Velásquez-Lozano from Colombia

In our July newsletter we featured Melany Velásquez-Lozano, the Ocean literacy coordinator at the Observatory for Marine and Coastal Governance, Colombia.   Melany was part of the 19 participants who joined the school on Ocean Literacy & Collaboration organized by the IOC-UNESCO team, Youth4Ocean, CEiiA and Matasinhos Câmara Municipal in the framework of the UN …

Ocean Literacy school: collaboration for solutions with Melany Velásquez-Lozano from Colombia Read More »

Kolisa Yola Sinyanya, the #MthathaBoffin who is strengthening the voice of diverse ECOPs Internationally

Meet Kolisa Yola Sinyanya, also known as the #MthathaBoffin, who is an Ocean Biogeochemist at the University of Cape Town in South Africa.  She is an American Geophysical Union LANDinG global ambassador for diversity, equity and inclusion in Geosciences and an Association for Science of Limnology and Oceanography L&O Letters Early Career Publication Honoree.  In …

Kolisa Yola Sinyanya, the #MthathaBoffin who is strengthening the voice of diverse ECOPs Internationally Read More »

On the stage at the World Ocean Summit: Inés Mas de la Peña (ECOP Spain) and the Sustainable Ocean Alliance panel prove how competent emerging Ocean leaders are

Words by: Inés Mas de la Peña I had the opportunity to be a speaker at the World Ocean Summit from the Economist Impact in Lisbon. This opportunity arose due to my involvement with Sustainable Ocean Alliance as Hub Leader co-creating SOA Spain besides co-creating ECOP Spain. Sustainable Ocean Alliance develops and implements innovative solutions, …

On the stage at the World Ocean Summit: Inés Mas de la Peña (ECOP Spain) and the Sustainable Ocean Alliance panel prove how competent emerging Ocean leaders are Read More »

How ECOPs view the 7 Ocean Decade Outcomes from The Fourth ICES PICES Early Career Scientists Conference in St. John’s, Newfoundland

How do Early Career Ocean Professionals (ECOPs) view the 7 Ocean Decade Outcomes?

Conferences are often criticized for not translating the invaluable discussions that are held into actionable information. Early Career Ocean Professionals (ECOPs) are here to change that. The Global ECOP Programme’s participation at the Fourth ICES PICES Early Career Scientists Conference in St. John’s, Newfoundland launched the first of ECOP Canada’s interactive and networking workshops to engage …

How do Early Career Ocean Professionals (ECOPs) view the 7 Ocean Decade Outcomes? Read More »

Learn more about applying for the Mário Ruivo Memorial Lecture

You might have seen the recent campaign by EurOcean regarding an amazing opportunity to share your projects and potentially present your work at the IOC-UNESCO assembly in Paris, in June.  To pay homage to Professor Mário Ruivo and his legacy, the IOC-UNESCO, EurOcean and Portugal have opened up the floor to Early Career Ocean Professionals, and we spoke with the Mário …

Learn more about applying for the Mário Ruivo Memorial Lecture Read More »

ECOPs at COP15

The 2022 United Nations Biodiversity Conference took place 7-19 December in Montreal, Canada, with representatives from 188 governments gathering to guide global actions on biodiversity through 2030. Inger Andersen, the UN Under-Secretary-General and UNEP Executive Director spoke out about what needed to be achieved:  “Nature and biodiversity is dying the death of a billion cuts. …

ECOPs at COP15 Read More »

Spotlight on China: meet our ECOP Intern Chunhua Jiang

The ECOP Asia Node and its coordinator Raphaël Roman has been lucky enough to have been supported by two amazing interns over the past couple of months, who have been doing a fantastic job to connect with ECOPs and organizations in their own countries.  We introduced Debarati from India last week, and now we are excited to interview Chunhua from China …

Spotlight on China: meet our ECOP Intern Chunhua Jiang Read More »

Ocean-climate solutionist Bodhi Patil on reflections from COP27 and 8 biggest bright spots of 2022 for youth-led ocean-climate action [Part 2]

Bodhi Patil is a young ocean climate solutionist passionate about the interconnection between Ocean Health and Human Health (OHHH). As the founder of Inner Light, co-creator of @oceanuprise, co-founder of Sea Dragon Studios – One World Breath, co-winner of the UN Oceans Conference Youth & Innovation Forum, and United Nations esteemed young leader, Bodhi supports …

Ocean-climate solutionist Bodhi Patil on reflections from COP27 and 8 biggest bright spots of 2022 for youth-led ocean-climate action [Part 2] Read More »

ECOP Africa attends the Geo Blue Planet Symposium in Accra, Ghana

A few months ago we talked to Fifi Adodo, who was helping to organize the Geo Blue Planet Symposium; an event “designed to encourage Interaction, Networking, and State-of-the-art scientific knowledge outreach particularly with African institutions/organizations”. We thought we would follow up and share with the ECOP community some photos of former Africa Node coordinator Gabriel …

ECOP Africa attends the Geo Blue Planet Symposium in Accra, Ghana Read More »

DEI task team member Ellen Johannesen joins Arctic research mission with Sea Women Expeditions

GROUNDBREAKING EXPEDITION COMPRISED OF WOMEN, NON-BINARY AND TWO-SPIRIT EXPLORERS SETS SAIL TO STUDY ARCTIC NORWAY’S OCEANS, ORCAS AND WHALES Tromsø, Norway, November 26, 2022 – Riding the wave of gender discussions at COP 27, an international team of 34 Indigenous and non-indigenous explorers has departed Tromsø aboard the 46.5-metre MV Vestland Explorer for a three-week …

DEI task team member Ellen Johannesen joins Arctic research mission with Sea Women Expeditions Read More »

Ocean-climate solutionist Bodhi Patil on the latest Ocean outcomes from COP27 and 5 actions for Intergenerational Collaboration [Part 1]

Bodhi Patil is a young ocean climate solutionist passionate about the interconnection between Ocean Health and Human Health (OHHH). As the founder of Inner Light, co-creator of @oceanuprise, co-founder of Sea Dragon Studios – One World Breath, co-winner of the UN Oceans Conference Youth & Innovation Forum, and United Nations esteemed young leader, Bodhi supports …

Ocean-climate solutionist Bodhi Patil on the latest Ocean outcomes from COP27 and 5 actions for Intergenerational Collaboration [Part 1] Read More »

ECOP Programme intern Debarati and her experiences of a sinking Indian Island

As the second week of COP27 in Sharm El Sheikh moves deeper into the Ocean-Climate nexus; attendees, governments  and organisations will aim to tackle some big discussions, and hopefully take some solid action against climate change.  The reality is that coastal communities are among the most vulnerable to the effects of the climate crisis, and …

ECOP Programme intern Debarati and her experiences of a sinking Indian Island Read More »

Meet Fifi Adodo from Togo

We recently met with Fifi Ibrahime Adodo to discuss the upcoming GEO Blue Planet Symposium in Ghana and highlight any opportunities for the ECOP Programme to collaborate or support.  We quickly realized he’s a special character, with an intriguing story to tell, so we asked if we could interview him and get to know him better. …

Meet Fifi Adodo from Togo Read More »

Meet the co-organizers of the Young Professionals Breakfast event: “Gaining an Edge in the New Blue Economy”

Conference season is about to kick off again, and we’re pleased to see a concerted effort to cater towards ECOPs in many upcoming events.  Oceans 2022 is taking place in Hampton Roads, Virginia, US (17 – 20 October 2022) and on Wednesday 19 October Marine Technology Society (MTS) Early Career Ocean Professionals and Institute of Electrical …

Meet the co-organizers of the Young Professionals Breakfast event: “Gaining an Edge in the New Blue Economy” Read More »

A shining example of Youth Action for Oceans: Brigitta Maria Andrea Gunawan

Brigitta Maria Andrea Gunawan is a member of EarthEcho International’s Youth Leadership Council, representing a global network of young ocean advocates driving efforts to protect and restore our ocean planet.  She spoke at the plenary hall of the United Nations Ocean Conference in Lisbon, Portugal, addressing member states and distinguished delegates from across the globe after …

A shining example of Youth Action for Oceans: Brigitta Maria Andrea Gunawan Read More »

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