The OCEANS 2023 Gulf Coast conference took place 25-28 September at the Mississippi Coast Coliseum and Convention Centre. As always, OCEANS hosted a joint MTS Early Career Ocean Professionals and IEEE OES Young Professionals Networking Breakfast, this time including a special Listening Session. It was a fantastic turn out with 80 attendees – despite being a rather early start – and there are plans to continue developing these ECOP events, with your feedback.

Joshua Baghdady (Chairperson) on behalf of MTS ECOP and IEEE YP shared this message:
We wish to thank all of the attendees of the MTS Early Career Ocean Professionals and IEEE OES Young Professionals Networking Breakfast & Listening Session during OCEANS 2023 Gulf Coast for their engaged participation. We understand that the time allocated for discussion during the event was short and that we may not have captured all of the feedback that the audience wished to share. Additionally, we are aware of other members of the global ECOP community who were not able to attend. Therefore, we have opened a post-event survey form that the larger ECOP community may use to provide comments, thoughts, and suggestions in alignment with the theme of the breakfast pertaining to what the societies may do to make their ECOP and YP programs more engaging and rewarding for your career development. Please note that we are not collecting email addresses with this survey and responses may be anonymous if you choose – the name and email address fields are optional.Thank you in advance for your feedback, and we look forward to seeing you at future Ocean Decade events!
Take part in the survey here: