Building Ocean Leadership: Fostering Networking, Creativity, and Resilience

This satellite event, co-organized by the Early Career Ocean Professionals (ECOP) Programme and Edinburgh Ocean Leaders (EOL) was designed to support, encourage and empower those navigating Ocean career paths from early to mid-career stages and looking to advance on a trajectory towards Ocean leadership. 

The full list of co-organizing partners is as follows: International Ocean Institute (IOI), International Marine Centre (IMC), Institute de Ciències del Mar (ICM), Sustainable Ocean Alliance (SOA), Ocean Acidification Alliance, Ocean & Climate Platform, Ocean Knowledge Action Network, OceanBRIDGES, Marine and Environmental Sciences Centre (MARE) Madeira, RELATO, SmartNet, University of Plymouth and Western Indian Ocean Early Career Scientists Network (WIO-ECSN).

The audience were initially welcomed by Edinburgh Ocean Leader Jesse Turner and ECOP Programme Global Coordinator Evgeniia Kostainaia, before executive leadership coach Eric Markowitz took the stage to kick off the event with an engaging and interactive presentation curated to help the audience develop their networking and communication skills.  Moderator Laura Hernandez Merlano used her powerful voice to advocate on behalf of the global ECOP community and then introduced the panelists to begin the discussion. Laura expertly coordinated the interactive element that allowed for audience participation, whilst the emerging and established ocean leaders shared experiences, insights and lessons learnt around the following key topics:

Leadership: The panelists gave insights into how they developed their leadership skills throughout their early to mid-career stages, and gave advice to emerging professionals seeking to enhance their leadership capabilities in ocean-related fields.

Networking: In the realm of ocean-related professions, the panelists shared how networking played a pivotal role in their career journeys, and what strategies they recommend for building meaningful professional connections within the marine science and conservation community.

Creativity: The panelists provided examples of innovative solutions or projects they have been involved in, highlighting the role of creativity in driving positive outcomes for the ocean environment.

Resilience: Considering the long-term goals of the UN Ocean Decade, the panelists reflected on how they sustain resilience in their commitment to ocean-related work, and offered advice for early-career professionals seeking to navigate and persist in this challenging field.

Photos from the event:

Learn more about the guests and panelists: 

Introductions by Evgeniia Kostainaia (ECOP Programme)

Evgeniia is the Global Coordinator of the UN Ocean Decade endorsed Programme for Early Career Ocean Professionals (“ECOP Programme”) and Consultant at the IOC-UNESCO. The goal of the Programme is to support Early Career Ocean Professionals in their capacity development and work by providing meaningful networking, training, professional development, funding opportunities and creating capacity for cooperation and knowledge exchange. Evgeniia is a marine environmental manager with research interests in marine pollution, ocean clusters, and connections between climate change and food security, and impacts of climate change on coastal tourism and railway infrastructure. Evgeniia also acts as the Moscow Focal Point of the International Ocean Institute (Malta). She is a member of a working group on sustainable development of the Caspian Sea region and the Caspian Integrated Scientific Network (CASPISNET).

and Jesse Turner (Edinburgh Ocean Leader)

Jessie Turner is the Executive Director of the International Alliance to Combat Ocean Acidification (OA Alliance). A voluntary initiative of national and subnational governments, the OA Alliance works to raise ambition for climate action and transform the global response to climate-ocean change. As Executive Director, Jessie sets the strategic direction of the OA Alliance and develops and carries out annual programming, including contributions to international convenings. She also establishes partnerships across a variety of disciplines and coalitions, deploys communications strategies across multiple scales, and supports members in the development of practicable ocean acidification adaptation and resilience strategies. Jessie served as lead facilitator to the Pacific Coast Collaborative (PCC)’s Ocean Acidification and Hypoxia Working Group between 2014 and 2023. Jessie has 15 years of experience working in public policy development, advocacy, and stakeholder engagement at local to international scales. She has worked on wide-ranging issues, including affordable homeownership, healthcare, energy efficiency, food waste, climate, and marine policy.

Guest speaker Eric Markowitz 

Eric Markowitz is executive leadership coach and the visionary founder of HERO Business Coaching. With a rich background in transforming companies and empowering leaders across Fortune 500 companies, Eric brings over 20 years of expertise in business coaching and innovation consulting. As a prominent member and coach on the Mindvalley Coaching Team – the world’s leading personal transformation platform – his guidance has profoundly shaped the futures of hundreds of CEOs and founders, as well as the next generation of coaches, solidifying his status as a leader in his field.

Moderator Laura Hernandez Merlano

Laura Hernandez Merlano is an ECOP Canada Steering Committee member (2023-25) and has been an intersectional youth and environmental advocate for over a decade. As a political refugee from Medellin, Colombia, she is a compassionate leader who is passionate about mobilizing and spreading hope in her community. She always looks forward to bringing her insightful perspectives as a neurodivergent Latina woman. Laura studied Environmental Economics and Public Policy at the University of Ottawa and works as an International Policy and Research Analyst at Global Affairs Canada (GAC).


João Canning-Clode – Edinburgh Ocean Leader

João Canning-Clode is a marine ecologist from Madeira Island, Portugal. João is the founder and Director of MARE-Madeira and a Principal Investigator at the Regional Agency for the Development of Research Technology and Innovation (ARDITI). He is also a deputy director of MARE – Marine and Environmental Sciences Centre, one of the largest R&D units in Portugal. He is the Principal Scientist and Scientific Coordinator of the Smithsonian MarineGEO NE Atlantic Madeira. João has a PhD in Biological Oceanography and Marine Sciences from the GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel, Germany and before founding the Canning-Clode Marine Lab (which would evolve into MARE-Madeira), he was a postdoctoral fellow at the Smithsonian Environmental Research Center (SERC), USA. João currently chairs the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Working Group for Introductions and Transfers of Marine Organisms. João is an Edinburgh Ocean Leader, has authored more than 100 publications and his research has received media coverage in several countries.

Imogen Napper – Edinburgh Ocean Leader

Dr. Imogen Napper is a Marine Scientist and National Geographic Explorer from the United Kingdom. Her research investigates different sources of plastic pollution into the environment; this has helped to influence legislation banning microbeads in facial scrubs, investigated how we are polluting the planet through washing and wearing our clothes, demonstrated that biodegradable plastics bags could still hold a full load of shopping after being submerged in the ocean after 3 years and found the highest microplastics on Earth near Mt. Everest summit. Additionally, she focuses on how plastic pollution is linked to other environmental issues. Her research shows how small changes can make a big difference and that larger environmental commitments are needed by industry and governments globally.

Yolanda Sánchez- Edinburgh Ocean Leader

Yolanda Sánchez is co-founder of the Latin American Marine Educators Network, Fund Engagement Manager for OCEAN Grants, and a member of Ocean Literacy With All and Edinburgh University Ocean Leaders. She’s a dedicated advocate for ocean conservation through ocean literacy, leadership, networking, community engagement and participatory dynamics. With extensive experience across universities, NGOs, governments, and local communities she has been involved in projects in Latin America, Africa and Europe. She aims to enhance education methodologies and design marine education initiatives prioritizing ocean connections and community empowerment, inspiring leaders to champion ocean conservation.

Crawford Nimea – Project Officer, Federated States of Micronesia Pacific Islands Regional Oceanscape Project – Second Phase on Economic Resilience (PROPER) at the FSM Government.

Crawford Nimea is a highly motivated and results-oriented professional with over 5 years of experience driving efficient procurement practices within the Public Sector. He possesses a proven track record of success managing IDA-funded projects, specifically focusing on procurement for the past 4 years.

Evgeniia Kostainaia – ECOP Programme

(Bio above)

Final wrap up by Antonella Vassallo – International Ocean Institute

Antonella Vassallo is the Managing Director of the International Ocean Institute (IOI) at its Headquarters in Malta, since 2014, and an ex-officio member of the IOI Governing Board (GB). The International Ocean Institute (IOI) is a world leading independent, non governmental non profit organisation conducting training and capacity building in Ocean Governance with the aim of creating knowledgeable ocean leaders.

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