Seaworthy Collective
Photo credit: David Gross / Ocean Image Bank
Seaworthy Collective (501c3) is a Miami-based BlueTech (ocean innovation) startup incubator and community. We envision oceans of opportunity without barriers, where everyone can contribute to solutions making positive change for our blue planet.

Seaworthy’s mission is to enable access and inclusion in innovation for ocean and climate impact. They empower Sea Change Makers – supporting early-stage and aspiring entrepreneurs across diverse backgrounds and impact areas globally – who drive innovation for 71% of the planet (our ocean) to regenerate 100% of the planet.
Are you an ECOP with a start up?
Seaworthy’s Founder Mentorship Program is designed to provide bespoke support for each startup on a monthly basis, while equipping participants with critical business fundamentals through curriculum provided by partners covering topics including market validation, pitch development, marketing strategy, and more. Learn more here or visit the Seaworthy website.
Successful start up applicants could receive:
Weekly 1-on-1 support meetings (Up to 60 minutes each).
Monthly group meetings with speaker, strategic partner, and/or community (Up to 60 minutes
Curated Seaworthy network and community connections, including science and technology experts, entrepreneurship and business leaders, and professional service providers.
Pro bono consultations with professional service providers. Service providers’ offerings span marketing, legal, fundraising, and more.
Access to talent for potential co-founders and operators in our community.
Opportunity to present at Seaworthy’s pitch event (the “Startup Showcase”) attended by investors, community members, and key stakeholders in the blue economy (to be announced).
Dashboard tracking and accountability system for individualized goals.
Seaworthy Collective Impact Focus Areas (Verticals)
Greenhouse Gas Reduction & Removal – seaweed farming, nature-based solutions, and decarbonization
Coastal Resilience & Adaptation – environmental restoration such as mangroves and coral reefs, infrastructure for sea level rise and storm surge
Pollution – improving water quality and tackling plastic pollution both upstream and downstream
Seaworthy Collective Programs
Startup Programs, which include our Venture Studio and Founder Mentorship Program, accelerate economic development and environmental regeneration by activating our community to contribute to and grow scalable companies and impact.
Community Programs, which include our Climate Community Social Hours and Sea Change Makers Series, support social and workforce development by building community engagement and educating diverse talent in ocean and climate innovation.
Community and Network
- 2250 global community members
- 250 mentors and collaborators
- $1+ billion in investing partners’ total assets

Outcomes and Impacts
- 20 startups and 48 founders supported
- 35% of founders from underrepresented backgrounds
- $6.5 million raised by our startups to date
- 3500+ people educated on ocean innovation

For any questions or enquiries, please contact Daniel Kleinman: Founder & CEO of Seaworthy Collective:
Visit the Seaworthy website for more information: